Stanley Auto Group

Synthetic Oil Change

Synthetic Oil Change Near You

Synthetic Oil Change at Stanley Auto Group

For most older vehicles, conventional motor oil is what is used to keep engine parts running smoothly by lubricating moving parts to reduce friction, wear, and tear of the engine, so its life is extended. Synthetic oil is a man-made product rather than a refined petroleum substance and is becoming more popular for oil changes. You can have a synthetic oil change for your vehicle at a service department with the dealerships of Stanley Auto Group.
Synthetic oil offers good lubrication, viscosity retention, stability, and sludge prevention and is used with many newer models. This means smoother performance, better gas mileage, and better protection against wear on the engine. Vehicles that use synthetic oil can operate longer without an oil change. Synthetic oil is also less harmful to the environment than standard refined crude oil.

Function of Oil

Oil is the lifeblood of your vehicle; it has multiple purposes beyond its function as a lubricant. It keeps parts moving together smoothly by reducing friction, but it also keeps your engine cleaner by trapping particles that are released as parts move together. It also reduces heat by cutting down on friction. Keeping your oil changed at regular intervals is important for the life of your vehicle. Not changing the oil regularly allows the particles that are the byproduct of friction to start infiltrating the engine components. If the oil is full of particles, it can scratch and gouge those surfaces. In time, these moving parts seize up and lock your engine up to the point where it does not function the way it is supposed to.

Is Synthetic Oil Better?

Synthetic oil is believed to be better than conventional oil because it doesn’t break down as quickly. You don’t need to change the oil as often, which can help save money over the long term.

Frequency of Synthetic Oil Change

When using synthetic oil, change it about every 7,500 miles unless your oil reminder tells you otherwise. Check your vehicle’s owner’s manual to see what the manufacturer recommends. Typical recommendations range from 5,000 to 15,000 miles, depending on the make and model.

Will Synthetic Oil Cause Leaking in Older Vehicles?

About 50 years ago, in the 1970s, it was determined that the components used to create synthetic oil did sometimes corrode, dissolve, and degrade engine seals made of specific materials, but the science behind synthetic oil has come a long way since the 70s. Today, synthetic oil is made to help protect your seals.
Synthetic oil today does not cause leaks, but it may reveal an oil leak after your first synthetic oil change. That happens because synthetic oil can clear away conventional oil buildup on engine components. That said, synthetic oil doesn’t cause leaks; it helps reveal them. This type of oil is designed to plug small gaps and crevices in your moving parts to ensure smoother operation.

If you need an oil change or want to learn more about synthetic oil and its many benefits, contact us at Stanley Auto Group, or stop by one of our Stanley Auto Group locations around Texas. We’ll help you discover if synthetic oil can work for your vehicle.