Stanley Auto Group

Serpentine Belt Replacement

Serpentine Belt Replacement

Serpentine Belt Replacement at Stanley Auto Group

Your serpentine belt is incredibly important to your vehicle, and when it becomes damaged, you might find it hard to go anywhere. When you’re trying to make sure that your vehicle stays in top shape, you’re going to want to have your belts inspected as soon as you feel that there might be an issue. Stanley Ford Auto Group offers plenty of locations for you to visit around Dallas, Lubbock, Waco, and more. When you need a professional opinion, you’ll want to schedule a service as soon as possible. 

Your Serpentine Belt

If you’re not familiar with what a serpentine belt does, you may be wondering why it’s so important in the first place. Your serpentine belt is responsible for driving everything from your alternator to your air conditioning, and if you have a keen eye, you may be able to spot it working its way across several pulleys either on the side or front of your engine. By connecting to your alternator, it’s able to charge your battery so that you have a quick refill on electricity once your vehicle starts moving. Over time, you may find that this belt becomes worn or loose, which can directly affect all of the components listed above. If you happen to own an older model, this system may not be as simple. Older models tend to have multiple belts for this purpose, so if you’re experiencing problems, it may be a more localized issue. 

Noticing The Tell-Tale Signs

Your serpentine belt is designed to last for years, however, it can still become worn like any other part in your vehicle. If your belt is beginning to fail, you should be able to notice a few tell-tale signs. You may hear squeaking or squealing, or notice that your vehicle is overheating. You might also have problems with your power steering, air conditioning, and even your battery. If you feel that your belt is in trouble, you’re going to want to pop the hood and take a close look. If the belt itself looks frayed, worn, or cracked, it could be a sign that it’s on its last leg. You might even notice that it looks shiny, but you shouldn’t take this as a good sign. This means that it’s experiencing significant wear and that your belt may be unable to grip anything when it’s working its way across your vehicle. 

A Quality Service

It can be hard to diagnose a serpentine belt due to how many systems it directly affects, so when you want a professional opinion, you’re going to want to make the trip to the mechanic. Often, your tension may need to be adjusted. Most vehicles have an automatic tensioner built inside so that it can monitor your belt’s performance, but this tensioner may become damaged like anything else. A failing serpentine belt can leave you on the side of the road in the best-case scenario, and at the worst, it may even damage your engine since your risking overheating. When you want to avoid potential trouble when you’re driving, you’re going to want to make sure that you have your belt inspected as soon as possible. With a part like this, it’s always best not to risk it. 

When you need serviceStanley Auto Group has you covered. When you want to ensure that your vehicle is properly taken care of, there’s no better place to visit.