Stanley Auto Group

How to Check Brake Fluid

How to Check Brake Fluid

How To Check Your Brake Fluid

The brakes on your vehicle are a major component of keeping you safe when traveling on the road. If your brakes were to stop working, that could mean serious danger. That's why it’s vital to make sure your brakes are always working correctly, and that you always have an abundance of brake fluid. Checking your brake fluid is simple, and Stanely Auto Group is here to help you do that. If you’re in the Brownfield area, stop by our service center where we’ll be happy to answer all your questions. 

What Does Brake Fluid Do?

Brake fluid is a hydraulic fluid that assists with the movement of the brake pedal while also lubricating the brake system while keeping it from corroding. Brand new brake fluid is usually clear with a yellow tint, but this color will change over time and with use. Most vehicles use either a glycol-ether-based brake fluid, a silicone-based, or mineral oil-based brake fluid. The type of brake fluid you should use for your vehicle depends on the vehicle itself. Most of the time you can find this information inside your owner’s manual, or ask one of our experts in the Stanely Auto Group service center of McGregor.   

How To Check Brake Fluid

There are three easy steps to checking your vehicle’s brake fluid. Checking the brake fluid is crucial to staying safe on the road. Brake fluid also keeps your brakes from corroding too quickly as well, so replacing your brake fluid regularly could help keep your brakes last longer. These steps include:
  1. Finding the brake fluid reservoir: Check under the hood of your vehicle or the owner’s manual, for the location of the brake fluid reservoir.
  2. Check the level: On the outside of the reservoir, there should be  “minimum “ and maximum” lines indicating where the brake fluid should be. If the brake fluid is around the “minimum line it's time for a replacement and service. 
  3. Checking the color: If you notice the brake fluid is brown or black, you'll likely need a brake fluid flush and replacement. 
Keeping up with your brake fluid can not only ensure the safety of you and your passengers but the drivers around you as well. Save yourself the trouble early on and have your brake fluid flushed with us at Stanely Auto Group. 

Why Does Brake Fluid Need To Be Flushed?

Over time and with use, brake fluid will start to contain moisture which can corrode your brakes over time. This can cause your brake to stop working prematurely. Brake fluid will also become contaminated with small particles like dirt and debris as it ages as well. This can cause damage to the braking system as well. Systems like traction control and ABS generate heat which causes the brake fluid to break down quickly, causing it to not lubricate as well. 

When Should You Change Brake Fluid?

You should check your vehicle's brake fluid with every oil change, or once a year. While brake fluid can last around four to five years, this also varies from each vehicle, driving conditions, and driving habits. When you bring your vehicle to Stanley Auto Group for routine services, we will be happy to perform a brake fluid flush along with your regular oil change. 
Schedule services on your Ford vehicle today at Stanley Auto Group of Sweetwater.