Stanley Auto Group

Summer Maintenance

Jeep crossing a stream

Summer Auto Maintenance at Stanley Auto Group

Why does your vehicle seem to need more care during the summer? There are several factors, but one of the most important is road trips, vacations, and outings for family-fun activities. It is a high priority for your vehicle to be maintained during the summer to keep it running smoothly and avoid unnecessary breakdowns. High temperatures, dust, and dirt that come with summer weather can take a toll on your vehicle’s most important systems.

Suggestions for Summer Auto Maintenance

Keep an Eye on Your Fluid Levels

As the seasons change, so do the fluid levels in your vehicle. One of the greatest causes of summer breakdowns is engine overheating. This can be avoided by regularly checking your coolant fluid. Other fluids that need to be checked include the transmission fluid, power steering fluid, and even windshield wiper fluid.

Perform Regular Oil and Oil Filter Changes

Intense weather conditions mean your vehicle will need an oil and filter change even sooner than expected. An oil change without checking the filter is detrimental to your vehicle’s health, as it is essential to have clean oil running through your engine. A clean filter is needed to capture the dirt and dust circulating in your engine.

Inspect the Air Pressure in Your Tires

Your tires have it rough-literally. Hidden potholes and difficult road conditions will damage your tires. Tires can lose or gain air pressure daily, depending on the temperature outside. Cool weather will cause your tires to lose a pound or two of air monthly. Low air pressure tends to wear your tires out faster, therefore, shortening the life of your tire. Before any long trip, ensure your tires are properly inflated. Remember to also check your spare.

Keep Your Battery Functioning at Full Charge

Summer heat can cause fluid loss and result in the battery components becoming oxidated. Heat is the top reason that batteries fail, and it causes a reduction in battery life. Remember to keep an eye on the battery’s charge level; it is less troublesome to have the battery checked than to be stranded if your battery fails.

Proper Alignment Is Important

Alignment can be easily thrown off by potholes, rough terrain, hitting curbs, as well as general wear and tear. Signs that your alignment needs to be evaluated are if your car pulls to one side, vibrations in the steering wheel, or if you are driving straight but your steering wheel is not centered. Proper alignment can give more life to your tires, extend gas mileage, and makes for a smoother ride.

Get Your Brakes Inspected

There are circumstances that can cause the brakes to have issues. Road conditions, stop-and-go traffic, long road trips, and inclement weather can cause your brakes to need service. Noticeable signs that your brakes need immediate attention are eerie noises coming from your brakes or if extra pressure is needed to stop the vehicle. 
Summer Auto Maintenance will keep your car and your family happy for a summer of fun.
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